Friday, 9 November 2012

From Red to Brunette

Today I did something brave... I traded in my long bright red hair for some slightly shorter, chocolatey brown hair!

I've had red hair for about 8 months and as much as I adore being a redhead, it is a notoriously difficult colour to maintain and live with, requiring regular colour touch ups after the colour fades every month, and I had also lost patience with the constant staining of my shower, skin, clothes and bedding with the red dye.

I've had some bad DIY hair dying experiences so I booked myself into a salon so there would be less of a risk of it going wrong!

The first process was to bleach out some of the red colour...

This turned me a horrendous neon orangey/salmon/pinky/red colour as you can see..

The brown hair dye was then applied..

And.... voila!
A nice chocolatey brown :)  The reason I went through the bleaching process first and didn't just dye it brown straight away was because I am planning to eventually go a caramel blonde colour, and I needed to remove some of the red before I could ever attempt to go blonde.

The overal process took about 4 hours and cost a fair amount of money but I feel it was worth it as I really had become frustrated with my faded red hair and a colour like brown is far easier to maintain.

Hope this post shines some light on the process involved in removing red hair dye!

Immi Sarah


  1. no worries you look gorgeous!
    i covered up my red hair with brown before,
    at first it was dark and then it slowly fades into a lighter color :)
    can't wait to see your caramel blonde color! x


  2. alaa que cambio! con este color me gustas mas! guapisima!

  3. Although I like the new color, the bleached one (that pink) is AWSOME. I also like your red hair but it must be difficult to keep it
    Follow each other?

  4. You are very beautiful, love your blog!

    Maybe you would like to follow each other?

  5. Thanks for the comment you left me and thank you for following my blog I now am your newest follower

  6. oh brown hair and a red lip really suits you! such a lovely colour

    - ordaining serendipity

  7. your hair looks gorgeous as either red or brown! i'd love to go red but i'm put off by the difficulties of achieving such a vibrant red
    thanks for following my blog by the way, i'm following you too xxx

  8. Good choice, the chocolate hue looks perfect on you. After many years of bleaching my hair (did red once) i went back to my natural dark color.

  9. Youre so stunning, amazing hair xx

  10. I love brunette on you looks great!

  11. You have absolutely gorgeous hair! I love this colour too, compliments your skin tone!

    Do you have a hair care post? xox

  12. Is it bad that I actually really like that orange/salmon colour?? I think all three hair colours look nice on you, they all match your skin tone really well... and friggin heck, your hair is lovely!
